Registration 2023
Please sign and date the BalintawakLA waiver (https://www.balintawakla.com/release-forms-contract-agreements ) prior to participating. No paper copies permitted, please email pdf version to sloyerstunts@gmail.com.
Uniforms are required to be worn during every class. Please contact Bryan Sloyer for purchase info.
We do not provide any extra sticks. Members must bring their own (two suggested). Stick should be 26 inches in length and no more than an inch in diameter. Rattan only. No hardwood, oak, bamboo, or synthetic material permitted in class training.
Please follow all etiquettes and protocols and be familiar with our Rules and Regulations (see Rules & Regulations)
Rules & Regulations 2023
Please address your head instructor as Guro or Po.
Please address your senior instructors/ COA as Po, Kuya (male) or Ate (female).
Please remain quiet while classes are in progress.
If you are late, please wait on the side. You will not be allowed on the training floor until acknowledged by an instructor.
No profanity or cursing allowed.
No chewing gum allowed.
Please remove jewelry/watches prior to training.
Senior students will line up on the front rows. The most senior COA’s will line up (in accordance to year) followed according to diminishing rank by the remaining students.
All personal belongings to be kept in appropriate cubbies or lockers. Please keep valuables at home. Guro Sloyer, teaching staff and BalintawakLA are not responsible for loss or damage of stolen items.
Uniforms must be worn during training sessions. Have respect for fellow students: Please keep uniforms clean and laundered.
Students will learn only what they have been assigned. Do not teach fellow students techniques or forms without proper instruction from a qualified COA or Guro Sloyer.
All dues must be paid prior to participation. Payments can be made via Venmo to Bryan Sloyer.
The BalintawakLA waiver must be signed prior to any participation. Paper copies not accepted. Waiver can be found here: https://www.balintawakla.com/release-forms-contract-agreements
No refunds available once you begin classes.
Please bring any concerns or comments immediately to Guro Bryan Sloyer or BalintawakLA teaching staff.